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티스토리 뷰

A wireless mesh network is a type of wireless network that is connected wireless of mesh form.  Multiple wireless devices automatically configure an organic network so that a single wireless device can provide services that can not be reached by a single wireless device.

There have been many solutions that provide such wireless mesh networks, but the actual services are limited, and implementing the services that presently express the IoT business and provide various convenience necessitates the wireless network professionals, many trial and error, There are many conditions and difficulties such as designing the network configuration to suit the characteristics.

To solve this problem, RISENET provides its own TDMA schedule, Multiple Access Protocol and Multi-Hop Protocol, so service providers who have no experience in wireless network configuration can minimize the difficulty of configuring wireless mesh network and realize You can configure a wireless mesh network.

The wireless mesh network protocol technology can be used to configure wireless mesh networks such as Smart Home, Smart Farm, and Smart City.

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